The grass roots pro-space movement has long worked for the day that outer space will be open for everyone to live, work and play. Much of the video history of the movement, however, exists only on old analog tapes in the closets, drawers and garages of the volunteers who recorded it.
Long-time OASIS member David Bliss has been part of the movement since joining the L5 Society in 1986, and from 1990 until 2007 he volunteered his time and skills to videotape the National Space Society’s annual International Space Development Conference as well as events sponsored by local NSS chapters.
The NSS is putting together a digital video archive for access by the society leadership and researchers. The physical media is then sent on to a Museum in New Mexico for long term storage.
While some of Bliss’ footage has been transferred to DVDs and donated to the archive, the process has been slow and video tapes do not last forever. Money is needed for supplies and maintenance of aging equipment to speed things up so this footage can be preserved before it is gone forever.
By supporting this Patreon Campaign you will be providing the funds needed to digitize this footage and prepare it for long term storage, preserving this record of the pro-space community.
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