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Odyssey Online!Opinions expressed by the articles in this site reflect those of the indicated authors and do not necessarily represent the views, beliefs, or opinions of employers, the Editor, Webmaster, this ISP, OASIS, or the National Space Society. On-Line PDF Editions of the OdysseyBeginning with the February 2006 issue, we are making the Odyssey available on-line as PDF files. Each edition will have a page with a partial listing of the contents of the issue. July: The Discovery Flight of Stephanie D. Wilson
August: Summer Picnic
Want to Write for the Odyssey?Articles, letters to the Editor, and other material may either be sent electronically (click on the editor's name above) or by mail to: OASIS, Attn: Newsletter Editor, PO Box 1231, Redondo Beach, CA 90278Electronic or diskette submissions are preferred; volunteer time limitations generally disallow hard copy submissions. Back IssuesFor back issues, see the Articles Archive page. You can also search the site for keywords. About the OASIS Chapter NewsletterOASIS publishes Odyssey, a monthly newsletter of activities and other space events relevant to chapter members. Selected articles are also published online here, usually with a one or two (occasionally more...) month delay. Past Editors: Kat Tanaka, Kris Cerone, Terry Hancock, Craig E. Ward, Norm Cook, Samuel Reynolds, Richard R. Puckett, Wayne White, Craig Milo Rogers, Lauri Zeman, David Pleger, Janelle Gluckman, Alan Katz, and Charles Carr. Copyright © 1998-2007 Organization for the Advancement of Space Industrialization and Settlement. All Rights Reserved. |