Selected Articles from the May 2001 Odyssey
Editor: Terry Hancock
Theory of Light Sails
Terry Hancock
Why Does a Photon Have Momentum?
Photons have no mass, and momentum is proportional to mass and
velocity, right?
So why does a photon have momentum?
The answer is that, in relativity, a photon does have mass
-- it just has no ``rest mass,'' but then again, photons are never
at rest! The mass we're interested in here is the equivalence mass
from the photon's kinetic energy (which is simply the energy of the
where is ``Planck's Constant'' and is the frequency of the photon. So far, so good.
But now along comes Einstein, who tells us that this energy can
be rewritten as a mass:
(I know you remember this one!), where is the speed
of light. For the photon, this energy, , is the same
as the one in the previous equation, so we can stick them together
and solve for the equivalent mass of a photon:
Then we just convert this to momentum (Newton and Einstein agree
on this part):
We could also have figured this out by relating the energy to the
momentum first, which is what physicists usually prefer, but I think
this approach is more intuitive, since we're used to thinking of
momentum in terms of mass and velocity.
Pushing a Sail
Okay, so now we have a momentum in theory -- but how much is this
momentum, and how do we capture it?
Well, capturing it is easy -- all you have to do is reflect the
photon with a mirror. When you do this, the momentum of the photon
will be reversed, and by the conservation of momentum and Newton's
third law, the mirror will get a tiny little push. I say tiny
because it is, and that hardly does it justice! In fact, even with
hordes of photons from a very bright light source hitting it, this
force is almost impossible to measure, much less use as a propulsion
But we can calculate exactly what this force should be for any
incoming flux of light. Each photon imparts a tiny quantum of
momentum that we computed in the last section:
of which we get twice the effect by reversing the direction
of travel. If we didn't reflect it straight back, but rather at some
angle (by turning the mirror), we'll get a slightly different amount
and direction of momentum -- an important point that we'll come back
to. Meanwhile, we have to sum up the impact of all those photons hitting our mirror every second, multiply in that
factor of two, and finally do a little algebra to make the result
easier to interpret:
Let's say our mirror is exactly one square meter in size. Why those
specs? Because, if we pull the speed of light out of the sum like
this, then we've reduced this to just the amount of light energy
hitting each square meter of the mirror per second, and that's
called the flux, . Why is that good? Because now
we can drop the equations and go look up the flux for our light
source. Assuming that's the Sun, and that we're somewhere in the
vicinity of Earth, this is about which
gives us a momentum per square meter of sail per second, which can
also be called a pressure (force per unit area) of:
Not a lot, is it? In space, though, where there's no friction to
slow us down, we can still make this work. We have to use extremely
light-weight sails made of highly-reflective Mylar (or a similar
material). If we can keep the mass down to only a few grams per
square meter of sail (including the payload!), we can get useful
accelerations out of this. Keeping that mass down is the main
engineering challenge for solar sails.
Now we can figure out what kind of acceleration we'll get for a
sail, by just using Newton's
second law ( ):
Whew! This is the acceleration we can expect for a sail with that
much weight per area, regardless of its actual size. Larger size
sails can carry more cargo, of course, as the payload weight is
included in the mass figure above.
Just to see how useful that amount of acceleration is (it may not
seem like much now), let's see how long this sail would take to get
up to , a fairly typical for interplanetary flight:
Wow, less than a week! That's a very practical acceleration for
travelling to Mars, for example, where the transit time is normally
measured in months (in other words, this extra time to accelerate
won't hurt us much compared to chemical rockets which accelerate
much faster). And we don't use a gram of fuel to do it! So we can
come back and do it all over again, which is something you
definitely can't do with chemical rockets.
The Cosmos-1 Solar Sail
Given the published specifications on the Cosmos-1, we can
compute the numbers above for that specific sail:
Mass per unit area (for a round sail):
Time to accelerate to :
Of course, these are only rough ``ballpark'' figures -- there are
a lot of details missing from this calculation. But this should give
you a good idea of what is possible with this technology.
About this document ...
Terry Hancock 2001-07-14
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