Selected Articles from the May 2001
Editor: Terry Hancock
Sailing the Starry Skies
The May 2001 edition honors the upcoming Planetary Society Cosmos-1 Solar Sail mission. We have a few articles about solar sailing, including an overview by Bob Gounley and an excerpt on the technical details from the draft of Odyssey editor Terry Hancock's upcoming book Rocket Science 101.
We're also adding our congratulations to Dennis Tito as the first successful space tourist! Diane Rhodes gives us a brief tour of related websites for everyone following those developments.
Webmaster's Note: The article Theory of Light Sails uses equations. Browsers need to access the Symbol font on their local machine to correctly render these symbols. The link above runs a script that will send your browser to a page that includes the header information letting the browser software know what to expect. This should work fine for Windows and Macintosh users. Users of X Windows desktops can follow this link for assistance at setting up the Symbol font for their systems. Unfortunately, the Netscape 6/Mozilla browsers can not access the local machine fonts. The author has provided a version with the equations rendered as GIF files that will work with any browser.
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